ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Lexington & Surrounding Areas
family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How to Cut Down on False Alarms from Lexington Home Security Systems

False alarms can be a worry for home security systems. These events might be concerning from a financial standpoint and lead to home insurance premiums going up, but there’s no need for it to go that far! You can reduce false alarms from your Lexington home security system by making sure each member of your family is educated on using it. Best practices like setting up notifications to your phone when a sensor is tripped, integrating home automation, and picking an alarm company that uses 24-hour monitoring will help prevent emergency services from visiting your residence as a result of a false alarm.

Train Everyone On Your Security Features

When you have children present, be certain they are instructed on how to manage the security features and they are aware that it's vitally important to home safety. If you own pets, be sure to train your animals on what will happen if the alarm sounds - most security systems emit a high-pitched noise out of sirens or home speakers when your alarm is triggered.Train your animals to remain calm.

Get Text Updates So You Can Determine If You’re Experiencing A False Alarm

A smartphone notification won't prevent a Lexington false security alarm, but it may prevent emergency professionals from rushing to your property. Advanced installations like ones from ADT have the ability to deliver updates straight to your cell phone from your security app when the home security system goes off. It's beneficial when you're not on site to find out right away when a warning is issued. If incorporating video surveillance, you have the ability to do a visual inspection and let your monitoring team know if there’s a cause for concern.

Automation Can Easily Deactivate Your Home Security System

Utilizing home automation with your property’s defense is a preferred method to prevent false alarms. The most common cause of false alarms in Lexington is owing to the fact that the system is mistakenly left on when you or your family members are on site. Go through one of your home’s entry points, and a sensor is tripped. But you are able to deactivate your system per a predetermined schedule, including when your youngsters come home from school. If you have an automated component like a smart lock, you can also program your system to disengage anytime the lock is engaged with the proper PIN.

Turn To 24-hour Monitoring As A False Alarm Backup

An effective method to cut down on false alarms is by choosing a security provider that provides 24-7 monitoring in Lexington. These dedicated professionals will investigate your activated alarms if they notice any activity going on at your residence. Then, they will call you to confirm you aren’t experiencing a false alarm. If a false alarm is established, they can reset the alarm remotely. If it does seem like you have an intruder, your monitoring agent will inform the police.

Get An ADT Alarm System To Limit False Security Alarms In Lexington

It’s smart to note that a home security system cannot prevent criminal behavior, but it will provide peace of mind and better secure your property. And ADT has integrated automation and 24-7 monitoring that plays a critical role in preventing false alarms. Phone (859) 279-1710 or fill out our contact form below and one of our property protection experts will guide you in customizing your residential security package.